AD5 Diesel Fuel Conditioner
Granitize Diesel Fuel Conditioner Provides protection against moisture contamination. Helps guard against corrosion and stabilizes and protects diesel while in storage. Safe for diesel particulate filters and oxygen sensors. 11 fl. oz.

AD13 Diesel Injector Care
As part of the diesel injector flushing service, Granitize Diesel Injector Care quickly and effectively cleans diesel fuel injectors. It removes carbon deposits from combustion chambers, restores performance, smooths engine idle and helps prevent costly repairs. 32 ounces (0.354 liters) of Granitize Diesel Injector Care treats 30 gallons of Diesel fuel. 32 fl. oz.

AD14 Diesel Injector Doc
Granitize Diesel Injector Doc is specifically formulated, highly effective cleaner which quickly and safely decarbonizes diesel fuel injection systems. It is designed for the new electronically controlled common rail systems using direct injection, as well as traditional mechanical fuel injection systems. 32 fl. oz.

AD55 Diesel De-Carb
Granitize AD55 Diesel De-Carb quickly and effectively cleans entire fuel system including fuel injectors, intake valves and combustion chambers. Regular use can reduce surging, stalling, and exhaust smoke. Improves the performance of all diesel engines. 11 fl. oz.
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